Development is a Knowledge Industry
Eykt develops and builds infrastructure, high-quality residences, and properties for commercial use. We grow responsibly and develop methodically. Our role is to keep learning, keep improving, keep inventing, and to maintain our place as leaders in the Icelandic building and development industry.
Almost 40 Years
Offer a Lot of
Learning Opportunities
Eykt ehf. is a comprehensive contracting and development company at the forefront of such companies in Iceland. Eykt was founded in 1986, and in the almost 40 eventful years that have passed, we have gained extensive experience in all types of projects – from complex construction in the congested city center to hard work in harsh conditions in the mountains and spanning fast-flowing fjords. We split our efforts more or less evenly between participation in major tenders and our own development projects.
In the late 80’s and early 90’s, Eykt was a contractor and subcontractor in projects of various sizes. As the Company progressed, the share of own projects grew, and since around 2000, the company has placed major emphasis on the development “from scratch” of large projects where planning, design, execution, and ownership form an unbroken whole. The first major project of this kind is Höfðatorg in Reykjavík, which has been under development and construction since 2001 and is the most extensive project of its kind in Iceland. At Höfðatorg, the last large building in the cluster has now been opened, housing the new headquarters of the National Tax Administration and the Financial Management Authority.
Concrete Expertise
Rather mundane to most people, to the expert concrete is a complex, and challenging building material. Over the years, we have implemented various concrete innovations, such as the use of bubble deck slabs for floors, which are much lighter than traditional concrete slabs and allow larger column-free spaces. The lightness and refinement of the pedestrian bridges over Hringbraut were achieved with exceptionally high-quality concrete work, and the elegant exposed concrete in Borgartún 8-16 demanded a lot from our crew. Eykt’s award-winning concrete work includes the Hringbraut pedestrian bridges 2010 and Nýja bíó/Grillmarkaðurinn 2013.
Development is a Knowledge Industry
Armed with the best available skills in their field, our trusty workforce is the key to Eykt’s success. We strive to be a sought-after workplace and to keep employee turnover well within acceptable limits, whether among craftsmen or other experts in the many fields that affect the business. Professionalism, experience, and short communication channels result in high-quality work and efficient processes.
Quality, safety, fairness, and environmental responsibility
Eykt's Strategy
Here you can download our basic policies on quality, environmental issues, and safety.
Equal Rights and Fair Wages
Eykt's policy is equal pay for equivalent work, regardless of gender and origin. Here is Eykt's gender equality policy.
Quality Control Systems
Eykt's Quality Management is ISO 9001 Certified. Here is an overview of the company's quality processes.
For the Media
Eykt Logo
Here you can download Eyktar's logo in different versions.